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其他服务 - AMQP


高级消息队列协议(AMQP)是一个异步消息传递所使用的应用层协议规范。作为线路层协议,而不是API(例如JMS),AMQP 客户端能够无视消息的来源任意发送和接受信息。现在,已经有相当一部分不同平台的服务器和客户端可以投入使用。

AMQP的原始用途只是为金融界提供一个可以彼此协作的消息协议,而现在的目标则是为通用消息队列架构提供通用构建工具。因此,面向消息的中间件 (MOM)系统,例如发布/订阅队列,没有作为基本元素实现。反而通过发送简化的AMQ实体,用户被赋予了构建例如这些实体的能力。这些实体也是规范的一 部分,形成了在线路层协议顶端的一个层级:AMQP模型。这个模型统一了消息模式,诸如之前提到的发布/订阅,队列,事务以及流数据,并且添加了额外的特 性,例如更易于扩展,基于内容的路由。


这个扩展不支持windows, 因为 librabbitmq 库尚未支持 win 平台



AMQPConnection — The AMQPConnection class

1.AMQPConnection::connect — Establish a connection with the AMQP broker.
2.AMQPConnection::__construct — Create an instance of AMQPConnection
3.AMQPConnection::disconnect — Closes the connection with the AMQP broker.
4.AMQPConnection::getHost — Get the configured host
5.AMQPConnection::getLogin — Get the configured login
6.AMQPConnection::getPassword — Get the configured password
7.AMQPConnection::getPort — Get the configured port
8.AMQPConnection::getTimeout — Get the configured timeout
9.AMQPConnection::getVhost — Get the configured vhost
10.AMQPConnection::isConnected — Determine if the AMQPConnection object is connected to the broker.
11.AMQPConnection::reconnect — Closes any open connection and creates a new connection with the AMQP broker.
12.AMQPConnection::setHost — Set the amqp host.
13.AMQPConnection::setLogin — Set the login.
14.AMQPConnection::setPassword — Set the password.
15.AMQPConnection::setPort — Set the port.
16.AMQPConnection::setTimeout — Set the timeout.
17.AMQPConnection::setVhost — Set the amqp virtual host

AMQPChannel — The AMQPChannel class

1.AMQPChannel::commitTransaction — Commit a pending transaction
2.AMQPChannel::__construct — Create an instance of an AMQPChannel object
3.AMQPChannel::isConnected — Check the channel connection
4.AMQPChannel::qos — Set the Quality Of Service settings for the given channel
5.AMQPChannel::rollbackTransaction — Rollback a transaction
6.AMQPChannel::setPrefetchCount — Set the number of messages to prefetch from the broker
7.AMQPChannel::setPrefetchSize — Set the window size to prefetch from the broker
8.AMQPChannel::startTransaction — Start a transaction

AMQPExchange — The AMQPExchange class

1.AMQPExchange::bind — Bind to another exchange
2.AMQPExchange::__construct — Create an instance of AMQPExchange
3.AMQPExchange::declare — Declare a new exchange on the broker.
4.AMQPExchange::delete — Delete the exchange from the broker.
5.AMQPExchange::getArgument — Get the argument associated with the given key
6.AMQPExchange::getArguments — Get all arguments set on the given exchange
7.AMQPExchange::getFlags — Get the flag bitmask
8.AMQPExchange::getName — Get the configured name
9.AMQPExchange::getType — Get the configured type
10.AMQPExchange::publish — Publish a message to an exchange.
11.AMQPExchange::setArgument — Set the value for the given key
12.AMQPExchange::setArguments — Set all arguments on the exchange
13.AMQPExchange::setFlags — Set the flags on an exchange
14.AMQPExchange::setName — Set the name of the exchange
15.AMQPExchange::setType — Set the type of the exchange

AMQPQueue — The AMQPQueue class

1.AMQPQueue::ack — Acknowledge the receipt of a message
2.AMQPQueue::bind — Bind the given queue to a routing key on an exchange.
3.AMQPQueue::cancel — Cancel a queue binding.
4.AMQPQueue::__construct — Create an instance of an AMQPQueue object
5.AMQPQueue::consume — Consume messages from a queue
6.AMQPQueue::declare — Declare a new queue
7.AMQPQueue::delete — Delete a queue and its contents.
8.AMQPQueue::get — Retrieve the next message from the queue.
9.AMQPQueue::getArgument — Get the argument associated with the given key
10.AMQPQueue::getArguments — Get all arguments set on the given queue
11.AMQPQueue::getFlags — Get the flag bitmask
12.AMQPQueue::getName — Get the configured name
13.AMQPQueue::nack — Mark a message as explicitly not acknowledged.
14.AMQPQueue::purge — Purge the contents of a queue
15.AMQPQueue::setArgument — Set the value for the given key
16.AMQPQueue::setArguments — Set all arguments on the queue
17.AMQPQueue::setFlags — Set the queue flags
18.AMQPQueue::setName — Set the queue name
19.AMQPQueue::unbind — Unbind the queue from a routing key.

AMQPEnvelope — The AMQPEnvelope class

1.AMQPEnvelope::getAppId — Get the message appid
2.AMQPEnvelope::getBody — Get the message body
3.AMQPEnvelope::getContentEncoding — Get the message contentencoding
4.AMQPEnvelope::getContentType — Get the message contenttype
5.AMQPEnvelope::getCorrelationId — Get the message correlation id
6.AMQPEnvelope::getDeliveryTag — Get the message delivery tag
7.AMQPEnvelope::getExchange — Get the message exchange
8.AMQPEnvelope::getExpiration — Get the message expiration
9.AMQPEnvelope::getHeader — Get a specific message header
10.AMQPEnvelope::getHeaders — Get the message headers
11.AMQPEnvelope::getMessageId — Get the message id
12.AMQPEnvelope::getPriority — Get the message priority
13.AMQPEnvelope::getReplyTo — Get the message replyto
14.AMQPEnvelope::getRoutingKey — Get the message routing key
15.AMQPEnvelope::getTimeStamp — Get the message timestamp
16.AMQPEnvelope::getType — Get the message type
17.AMQPEnvelope::getUserId — Get the message user id
18.AMQPEnvelope::isRedelivery — Whether this is a redelivery of the message


创建时间: 2023-01-15 09:27:00 , 最后编辑于 2023-11-24 13:59:00